• Phone (Morocco) +212 522 872687

Remote work culture

Here at Vision BC we believe that work can be achieved with the same engagement no matter the place. In fact, we use a great variety of digital tools within our company to maintain the same degree of productivity no matter our collaborators’ location :

  • Professional Laptops and mobile phones
  • Prepaid data subscription
  • Video Conference tools
  • Collaborative and document sharing tools
  • Chat
  • etc.

Moreover, we provide our team with the information necessary to maintain the same, if not a better level of results that they might have not achieved in the office. Something unique to our company making us an outlier though, would have to be the care we take of all our members working with us in either contact or non-contact work enabling us to perform and execute all possible tasks behind a screen in a location of your choice. Home, coffee shop or even international address for tasks online only require an internet connection and the rest, our team will take manage, in terms of info, conference calling as already mentioned and additionally to maintain the level of class we make sure to set clear productivity standards towards the assignments provided to them to allow a sense of trust between our crew and members. In addition, we as a team care for the output of hard work you fulfill but most important of them all being your mental wellbeing and personal development outside of work.

Lastly, I would like to simplify my writing in a matter of bullet points to make it more understandable for our daily users whilst adding a few extra points such as:

  • Understanding that work can be fulfilled no matter the place and time.
  • The importance of communication between our squad.
  • Conference meetings maintained for development.
  • Feedback behind projects can be requested to workmates via gmail, outlook etc. or any other source of e-mailing service.
  • Keeping an overall connection between us as a company and you as an employee.
  • Most importantly, prioritizing our employees mental and physical wellbeing and personal development.